About SarArtist

Sara is an artist born in Galicia, in the north of Spain, in an area with a marked rural environment, in a traditional and conservative family, she was a happy girl who grew up without traumas or needs, studied photography, film directing, image and sound. She has developed her pictorial work very influenced by the countries where she has lived, the armed conflicts that she has known first hand, inequality, violence against children, sexual violence against women and the destruction of nature that irremediably , nature itself will end up putting us in our place and end once and for all with our arrogance as a species that is part of this planet. Her artistic work tries to talk about raw and obvious issues that society prefers not to touch, it is hard, colorful and with a deep social message that runs through her different projects in a transversal way. Sara tries to capture everyday violence in a colorful and affordable way for all those who pretend not to see the cruelest thing in our world.

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Domingo Carranza Hats MoMA, New York. USA ITEMS: Is Fashion Modern?